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My Colleagues Wasted My Money By Not Using The Holiday Souvenirs I Bought For Them, So I Stopped Buying
by The Simple Sum | 24 Jun 2024

When I first started working, my company had a culture of putting snacks in the pantry or
buying gifts when someone travels overseas for a holiday or work trip.
I thought that was a norm and so I developed buying gifts back for colleagues as a natural
activity to do whenever I was overseas for a holiday.
It was also fun to pick out nice snacks or touristy gifts like souvenir pens or notebooks.
There was once I returned from a holiday in a neighbouring country and I bought many
snacks for my colleagues. I was shocked when I checked the pantry 1 month later and my
snacks were still not eaten.
I felt disappointed as I could have spent that money buying something I liked. Were they
not good enough? There was even a colleague who said that the snack was not as good
quality as the ones she could get if she went herself. Talk about ungratefulness!
There was another time I bought cute pens for my colleagues but then I realised that most
of them just threw them into the drawers and didn’t use them.
Since those bad experiences, I told myself to resist the urge to buy souvenirs and snacks
for colleagues whenever I was overseas. I only buy a few items for a selected group who
appreciates them. It’s alright if they think that I am stingy and don’t buy gifts for them.
I also managed to save more money which I used for myself.
This article is part of TSS Confessions, a weekly column where we delve into personal finance topics that are unscripted and genuine real accounts from people