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He Used My Debit Card To Pay For Netflix, And He Continued To Use The Account After Ghosting Me

by The Simple Sum | 18 Mar 2024 | 2 mins read

I was in a relationship where we had a problem with his credit card, and he couldn’t pay for his Netflix (which I sometimes used).  

So, I offered to link his account to my debit card instead… 

Long story short, we broke up after six months and he just went back to his country and ghosted me. 

I was going through a rough time and obviously, my focus was on something else.  

A year later, I decided to look through my transactions and I had completely forgotten about this Netflix subscription.  


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OMG. I realised that I was paying for the Netflix account still and I did not use it for an entire year. I was paying US$8 a month which was US$96 a year. 

Imagine what I could have done with close to US$100 more a year, I could have gone for a good massage or a nice haircut or bought a nice bag! 

I emailed Netflix and explained my situation and they helped me to cancel the account (which is great cause I have no idea what the password was anymore). 

This is what happens when you break up but forget to break up on the shared subscription plans.  


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